Digital signage provides visitors, students, faculty and staff with timely information about events, announcements and news from across the Faculty of Education and UBC. Digital signs are installed in various locations in the Neville Scarfe and Ponderosa buildings at the UBC Vancouver Point Grey campus.
Posting Content
Digital signs are designed and posted by authorized content creators in each department/unit. New content is published weekly.
Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to submit announcements and events for posting on the digital signs. Content requests should be submitted by Tuesday 12:00 p.m. for posting the following Monday, unless alternate arrangements are made with your department content creator.
When submitting a request to your content creator, please provide the following:
- photo file(s) for display (.JPG, .PNG, .GIF formats) and confirmation of permission to use images
- suggested copy text, including date, time, location, and correct spelling of names and titles, as appropriate
- corresponding URL, if applicable
Department Content Creators
For more information, or to make a submission, please contact the content creator in your area:
Faculty & Staff
- For digital sign support, please contact your department or unit content creator.
- For general requests and suggestions, contact the Communications Office.